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THE 世界大學排名 文化大學為全國私立一般綜合大學第九名
Chinese Culture University ranked top ninth among private universities in Taiwan by THE

By 2022 年 11 月 5 日 / 最新消息

文化大學繼去年首度進入英國QS亞洲大學2022前450大之後,日前英國「泰晤士高等教育」特刊(THE)台灣各大學在THE 2023世界大學排名中,文大又首次進入THE榜單,且是私立一般綜合大學第九名。加上日前公布文化大學有八位老師入選全球前2%頂尖科學家之林,亮眼成績的肯定,未來必定有助於力拚國際肯定與提升排名。



Chinese Culture University is ranked top ninth among all private universities in Taiwan by Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023. CCU is included in the ranking for the first time. Last year, the school was ranked top 450 universities among Asian universities. In addition, eight teachers of CCU were included in the top 2% of scientists. These facts prove that CCU is a recognized and distinguished university.

Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023 includes 1,799 universities from 104 countries. Its results are based on 13 carefully calibrated performance indicators that measure an institution’s performance across four areas: teaching, research, knowledge transfer, and international outlook.

CCU has performed well in these years. Ten colleges and departments, 78 undergraduate programs and three master’s degree programs passed the assessment of the Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan in 2020.

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