外國學位生 (含僑生)
Foreign Nationals (including Overseas Chinese Students)

依政府規定外籍人士在台居留超過180天, 需申請居留證作為在台之身分證明。
持居留簽證(RESIDENT VISA)入境或在中華民國境內換發居留簽證者,應於入境次日起15天內或居留簽證核发15天內,線上申請居留證。


5.初次申請者需準備在台住址證明 (學校宿舍證明或在台租屋合約)



台北市移民署服務中心 (內政部入出國及移民署)
營業時間:星期一至星期五 上午08:00至下午05:00
電話: +886-2-2388-9393

Foreign Nationals
According to the government policy, foreign nationals who intend to stay in Taiwan for over 180 days must apply for a Residence Certificate as the identification document. Students who enter Taiwan with a resident visa must apply for a Residence Certificate. Application must be filed in 15 days after entering Taiwan or 15 days after the resident visa is issued. An extension must be applied 30 days before expiration of the Certificate (usually one year). Failure to comply may result in a fine from NT$2,000 to NT$10,000.

Online Application

Requested documents (PDF file or Photos):
1. 2-inch color photo (with a white background).
2. Passport (six months of validity)
3. Visa (for those who apply for the first time)
4. Proof of Enrollment
5. Those applied for the first time must provide a document to prove that they will have a residence in Taiwan (dormitory application or a rental contract).
6. Overseas Chinese students need to upload Proof of Admission by Overseas Community Affairs Council or a letter issued by the school where the student is admitted into or studying at Taiwan.

Application Fee:
Foreign Students: NT$1,000 (to be renewed once a year for continue stay).
Overseas Chinese Students: NT$600 (to be renewed once a year for continue stay).

It may take ten or more working days to review the application and issue the Certificate. Applicants are asked to present the receipt of payment to collect their certificates.
Students changed residence address need to apply for information modification with necessary documents within 15 days of such change. Failure to comply may result in a fine from NT$2,000 to NT$10,000.
For studies, students want to stay longer than the period of residency must apply for extension 30 days before expiration.
Students overstay a period of residence for less than 30 days must pay the fine and an extension fee to apply for extension of residence. Students overstaying for 29 days or more must pay the fine and exit Taiwan on the requested date and reapply for visa to enter Taiwan to study.
Fine Payment
NT$2,000 for overstaying for 1 to 10 days.
NT$4,000 for overstaying for 11 to 30 days.
NT$6,000 for overstaying for 31 to 60 days.
NT$8,000 for overstaying for 61 to 90 days.
NT$10,000 for overstaying for over 91 days.

Students who plan to exit Taiwan for summer or winter breaks need to make sure they have a valid Alien Residence Certificate. Application for extension could be filed with an E-ticket for flying back.
The Residence Certificate is void after students complete all the procedures to leave the school (dropout or suspension). Students who want to renter Taiwan for studies must apply for a visa once again.
Students who want to extend their residency must provide the Proof of Extended Study Certificate (apply at Office #204, Fe Hwa Building).

Service Center
National Immigration Agency
Ministry of Interior
Address:No. 15, Guangzhou St., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei 100-66, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Counter service hours: Monday to Friday 08:00-17:00
Tel: 886-800-024-111