Hot water
The dormitory supply hot water from 18:00 to 24:00
Q1: Is there hot water other than the time announced?
A1: There are electric water heaters in every public bathroom, so students could use the heater when hot water supply stops.
Q2. What if I need to shower after midnight?
A2. After the boiler and heating system turned off, there will be no hot water supply.
To replace broken chairs in the room, please visit the assistants on duty in the evening and ask for a replacement.
Repairs to other items:
Visit the website of the Office of General Affairs, click on the Repairs for Water, Electrics, Air-conditioning, Woodworking, and Paint, and click on Repairs Application (For Internet access or computer problems, please contact the Office of Information Service at After filling out the online request form, click on “Review of Application.”
Laundry facilities
Q1. How is the washer (dryer) charged?
A1. The washer costs NT$10 to run one time and the dryer costs NT$10 to run for 45 minutes. Dehydrators are free to use.
Q2. Is there time limit for using the washer and dryer?
A2. Students need to use the washer and dryer before midnight to avoid noises (especially in the Da Ci Building).
Q3. What should I do when the washer or dryer isn’t working?
A3. Inform the dormitory assistants (dorm supervisor) or report to the management staffs on duty. The Office of General Affairs will fix the machine or the jammed coin slot. Money will be refund.
Internet Accessibility
Wireless internet access is provided in the dormitories.
Residents could access to campus Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi for dormitory rooms (room number). Wired cable access is also available.
Account number and passwords are those used for campus administration system.
Facilities in public areas:
Each dormitory has water fountains, washers, dryers, dehydrators, living rooms, public bathrooms, pantries, indoor laundry areas (places/corridors) and vending machines. In addition, Da Zhuang Building and Da Lun Building have study rooms with computers; Da Ci Building has study rooms.