三、配合5月25日台生辦理離宿完畢後,境外生再為寢室調整移動,請大倫與大雅境外生於5月26日起,調整移動至重新分配之寢室,大莊館境外生亦請配 合暑期先行搬到大倫館安排之寢室,所有寢室之移動最遲應於5月29日移動完畢;另如有在5月26日前因事需離境之境外生,麻煩出具委託書委由他人代為處理搬遷事宜。
1.CCU remote teaching will continue to the end of the semester; therefore, the school has asked the local students to leave the dormitories before May 25. All dormitory residents who plan to stay in summer will be assigned rooms in Da Lun (male) and Da Ya (female) Building.
2.The rooms are assigned as follows:
a) Male students will stay at rooms on the second, third floor (foreign students and students from Mainland China), and fifth floor (overseas Chinese students) of Da Lun Building.
b) Female students will stay at rooms on the fourth floor (overseas Chinese students and students from Mainland China) and fifth floor (foreign students) of Da Ya Building.
3.For those who have applied to stay in the summer, please start moving to the rooms reassigned from May 26 after the local students move out on May 25. Current residents of Da Zhuang also need to move to the new assigned building. Moving should be done before May 29. Those who plan to exit Taiwan before May 26 need to ask someone to move for them. A letter of authorization is needed.