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公告: 本校自111年10月13日起宿舍相關防疫規範
Announcement: New Pandemic Prevention Guidelines for Dormitory Residence Starts from October 13, 2022

By 2022 年 10 月 14 日6 7 月, 2023 / Campus Dormitory Guide, 本處公告



一、 境外生入境執行0+7之自主防疫,請入境之學生須於校外完成0+7自主防疫後,方才能返回學校宿舍入住。如本校住宿生住宿期間出國返國,亦請比照境外生入境,需於校外完成0+7自主防疫後,方能返回學校宿舍入住。

二、 確診者之同住親友/同寢室友,如打滿三劑者可選擇3+4(4天自主防疫)或0+7(7天自主防疫),未打滿三劑者,必須實施3+4;於+4或+7自主防疫期間,不得返回原寢室。是以,如選擇於學校隔離區域執行隔離,無論選擇0+7或3+4,都需隔離7天期滿,方得離開隔離宿舍返回原寢室;如是返家之學生亦是無論選擇3+4或0+7,均需7天期滿後始得返回學校宿舍入住。

三、 學生無論是確診者,或同住室友(親友)之密切接觸者,依規定隔離期間均可請防疫假,請學生進入學生專區填寫防疫假。

Based on the adjusted pandemic prevention guidelines announced by the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) on October 13, CCU announces new pandemic prevention guidelines for dormitory residents as follows:

 International students should undergo (0+7) seven days of self-initiated prevention upon arrival before checking into their dorm rooms. Domestic students who travel back to Taiwan from a foreign country must complete the self-initiated prevention before checking into their dorm rooms.

When their household member or roommate is a confirmed case, students who have had booster shots could choose to undergo 3+4 (4 days of self-initiated prevention) or 0+7 (7 days of self-initiated prevention). But if these students did not get the booster shots, they have to undergo 3+4 prevention and they are not allowed to return to their dorm rooms before they complete +4 or +7 self-initiated prevention. During this period, students must not return to their dorm rooms. If they choose to conduct their quarantine in the designated area on campus, they need to stay there until they complete either the 3+4 or 0+7 self-initiated prevention period.

Students who go home to conduct either a 3+4 or 0+7 self-initiated prevention period must complete either the 3+4 or 0+7 period before returning to school.

Confirmed cases or students with close contact with infected household members or roommates could ask for quarantine leave. Such students need to fill out the application for leave at MyCCU of the school system.

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