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文大承辦亞洲未來會議會前會 以台灣視角探討後疫情時代亞洲及國際局勢
Chinese Culture University holds the Pre-Conference for the 6th Asia Future Conference to discuss international relations in the Post-COVID Era from Taiwan’s perspective

By 2021 年 8 月 23 日 / 最新消息



文大表示,會中將邀請中央研究院院士吳玉山以「當防疫碰到政治:亞洲何去何從?」為題進行主題演講,探討疫情引發的「疫苗民族主義」(vaccine nationalism)、「疫苗外交」(vaccine diplomacy)等一系列國際衝突行為,乃至大國權力轉移(power transition)與經濟危機所引致的右翼民粹主義(right-wing populism)興起等話題,進而省思亞洲該何去何從。緊接著,文大校長徐興慶將主持「後疫情時代的國際關係-從台灣看亞洲」座談會,並邀請吳玉山院士、東京大學東洋文化研究所教授松田康博、政治大學國際事務學院兼任教授李明、菲律賓大學全球政治與哲學研究所教授Kevin Villanueva范楷涵、中華經濟研究院台灣東南亞國家協會研究中心主任徐遵慈等重量級學者與談。隨後將頒獎及發表20篇AFC#6A優秀論文,以及5篇台灣特別優秀論文。文大表示,這場線上國際會議備有中翻英、中翻日同步口譯,並使用zoom webinar形式進行,歡迎報名參加或上線聆聽。




The 6th Asia Future Conference (AFC#6) scheduled to take place in August this year was postponed to next year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, Chinese Culture University, the conference organizer, managed to hold the Pre-Conference online on August 26, 2021. The theme of the Pre-Conference is International Relations in the Post-COVID Era – Asia Viewed from Taiwan’s Perspective. The Pre-Conference is welcoming the public to listen to scholars of great renown from Asian countries. They will share their insights into the current situations across Asia and the world.

The Asia Future Conference is organized by the Sekiguchi Global Research Association (SGRA) in partnership with like-minded institutions. The conference provides a venue for the exchange of knowledge, information, ideas, and culture from educational institutions around the world. Since 2013, the association has held five conference meetings in Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, and the Philippines.

According to CCU, the Pre-Conference has invited Dr. Yu-Shan Wu of Science Academia Sinica to give the keynote speech “Where is Asia Heading? When Disease Control is Entangled with Politics.” He will talk about vaccine nationalism and vaccine diplomacy caused by the pandemic, and discuss how power transition and right-wing populism could occur due to the economic crisis.

Following the speech, President will moderate the Symposium, “International Relations in the Post-COVID Era – Asia Viewed from Taiwan’s Perspective.” The panelists from different institutes will exchange their thoughts. The panel will also include scholars from the Philippines, Japan, and Taiwan. After the symposium, 20 AFC#6A best papers and five Taiwanese papers will be awarded.

This online international conference will be streamed via Zoom webinar for a global audience online with Chinese-English simultaneous interpretation.


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