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文大勇奪世界氣泡酒大賽設計組總冠軍 王淑音校長感謝師生為台灣爭光
CCU celebrates school team winning best desgin in World Beer Awards

By 2022 年 9 月 6 日 / 最新消息

中國文化大學為慶祝今年六十周年校慶,委請大眾傳播學系107級畢業生組成「酣橘製酒」公關小組設計「華柑氣泡酒」、「鄧爸麥酒-DB Brewery」製作,榮獲今年在英國舉行的世界氣泡酒大賽(World Cider Awards,WCA)設計金牌獎及風味銅牌獎,並獲選為包括啤酒在內的氣泡酒設計組最佳設計獎。文大校長王淑音今天(五日)特別頒獎表揚參賽師生,感謝他們為台灣爭光。


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Chinese Culture University celebrated the winning of the team for being awarded the gold medal in the world’s best design and the bronze medal in the taste categories of the World Cider Awards. The Acting President, Shu-Yin Wang, Monday commended the team, which designed and produced the cider for the 60th anniversary of the university. The team was led by professors in the Department of Mass Communication and includes several graduates of the department.

World Beer Award & World Cider Awards (WCA) are international competitions held in London, England. There are more than 3,200 teams from all over the world competing in WBA. More than one hundred teams participated in WCA. CCU’s team won the gold medal in WCA and was selected as the world’s best design by WBA/WCA. This means the team has excelled from three thousand competitors.

President Wang said that the cider design team created the product successfully because they work closely with the members of the team and also the local beer producer. The whole process of their creation reflects the university’s goal of fulfilling its social responsibility and pursuing sustainable development with the local community. The school is proud of the team’s effort and excellent results.

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