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To celebrate CCU’s Diamond Jubilee, partner schools send congratulatory messages from over the world.

By 2022 年 3 月 3 日 / 最新消息

送來祝賀函的學校包括有天理大學、國士館大學、西雪梨大學、莫瑞州立大學、大阪國際大學、大阪經濟法科大學、早稻田大學、别府大學、二松學舍大學、成城大學、弘前大學、東洋大學、高知大學、長崎國際大學、尚美園大學、建國大學、築紫女學園大學、同志社大學、同志社女子大學、關西大學、東京都立大學、安東大學、慶南大學、慶熙大學。梨花女子大學、祥明大學、釜山外國語大學、高麗大學、漢陽大學、韓江傳媒大學學院、湄州大學、UCSI大學、印尼日惹穆罕默迧亞大學、緬甸仰光大學、紐約州立大學水牛城分校、美國北阿拉巴馬大學、溫哥華電影學院、秘魯卡耶塔諾埃雷迪亞大學、莫斯科市立大學、德國拜羅伊特大學、聖彼得堡國立大學、保加利亞蘇菲亞大學、波蘭華沙生命科學大學、波多里亞國立大學、蒙古國立大學’ 泰國商會大學、正大管理學院、宣素那他大學、Cag大學。


Chinese Culture University has enjoyed partnerships with many prestigious universities from over the world. Among these schools, many sent their congratulatory letters including Teri University, Kokushikan University, Murray State University, Osaka International University, Osaka University of Economics and Law, Waseda University, Beppu University, Nishogakusha University, Seijo University, Toyo University, Kochi University, Nagasaki International University, Shobi University, Chikushi Jogakuen University, Doshisha University, Doshisha Women’s University, Kansai University, Toyko Metropolitan University, Andong National University, Kyungnam University, Kyung Hee University, Ewha University, Sangmyung University, Busan University, Korea University, Hanyang University, Hanchiang University, UCSI University, University of Yangon, University of New York at Bufallo, University of North Alabama, Vancouver Film School, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Peru, Moscow University, University Bayreuth, Saint Petersburg State University, Sofia University, Warsaw University of Life Science, National University of Mongolia, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce.  West Sydney University, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Maejo University, and Hanchiang University sent the voice messages from their presidents.

Over the sixty years, the founder Dr. Chang and his successors have devoted their effort to promoting international exchange and cooperation with its partner schools. The Office of International Affairs was established in 1994 and since then the office has been promoting the school to be an active member of the international academic community, attracting and engaging international students. For local students, by providing international exchange programs, the school offers opportunities for students to improve their language ability and broaden their horizons.

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