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Registration Procedures for International Students Studying in the English Program

By 2021 年 8 月 5 日19 8 月, 2021 / 最新消息, 本處公告
  • 全英文授課外籍學生報到註冊流程



    1. 入學應繳交資料:

    1.1學歷證件 審查入學資格用,請於8月31日前至學生專區上傳。上傳路徑 個人檔案-個資資料設定-文件上傳-新生學歷證件上傳


    2.開始上課日期: 110年9月22日(星期三)

    3.繳交學雜費 應於110年8月4日-9月15日繳交。學雜費賬單查詢請登錄學生專區-財務服務-學雜費明細查詢。若需海外匯款,詳如附件說明。

    4. 學校聯絡窗口



    List of the attachments:

    1. 致新生的歡迎信
    2. 海外匯款說明
    3. 碩、博士新生註冊手冊
    4. 大學新生註冊手冊
    5. 110學年度行事曆
    6. 如何查詢繳費單

    Before you start applying for a visa to come to Taiwan, please be aware of the following matters:

    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Taiwan government and its overseas offices are currently suspending visa applications for foreign nationals. Once the suspension is lifted, we will send you a detailed email to guide you through the process of visa application and quarantine procedures.

    Please note that you must have a VISA and an ENTRY PERMIT (教育部公文 letter of Ministry of Education) to enter Taiwan.

    1. Documents you should provide for registration:

    1.1 The applicant’s previous education diploma

    Log in to the website with your student account number and password (sent by the Academic Affairs Department, Chinese Culture University) and upload a copy of your previous diploma.

    1.2 Original copy of your previous transcript to waive your classes if there is any.

    2.Classes start from the 22nd of September (Wednesday) 2021.

    3.Students could pay tuition fees from 04/08/2021 to 15/09/2021. If you need to transfer your fees overseas, please follow the instructions in the attachment below.

    4.Contact us:

    List of the attachments:

    1.  Welcome Letter for new students
    2. How to pay tuition through bank transfer
    3. Enrollment handbook for the post-graduates
    4. Enrollment handbook for the undergraduates
    5.  University Calendar for the 110 academic year
    6. How to check the tuition billl
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