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By 2024 年 10 月 24 日 / 姐妹校交流, 最新消息, 本處公告

檀國大學冬季營為期 3 週,參與者可以透過參加密集韓語課程和參與各種有趣的文化活動來完全沉浸在韓國語言和文化中。


Dankook International Winter School is a 3-week program in February where participants can be completely immersed in Korean language and culture by taking intensive Korean classes and joining various interesting cultural activities. The program dates are February 3 – February 21, 2025.

報名申請Applications are open from today and the deadline for students to apply is November 29, 2024. All students need to complete their online application through our website: 

One of these paid optional activities is the 3-day ski trip. Please note that places for the ski trip are limited to 25 participants. Students who want to participate in the ski trip activity need to send a separate email to to reserve their spot before the application deadline. Coordinators may also send the list of students to us instead. Spots will be given out on a first come first serve basis!

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