Health Insurance for International Students


  • 國際學生(含僑生、港澳生、外籍生)在學期間取得有效居留證且連續居留滿6個月後,才符合辦理全民健康保險資格。在未辦理全民健保前,需辦理國際學生醫療保險(目前由國泰人壽保險公司承保)。




  • 國際學生醫療保險理賠:請先自費就醫,之後備齊下列文件至國際處(菲華樓204)申請:
  1. 醫院收據正本。
  2. 診斷書正本。
  3. 台灣金融帳戶存摺影本。
  4. 居留證影本。


  • 保險理賠給付內容:
  1. 門(急)診每次理賠上限為新台幣1000元。
  2. 手術住院每次理賠上限為新台幣12萬元。
  • 下列情形不給付之責:
  1. 自殺行為、酗酒、吸食違禁藥品或犯罪行為和戰爭變亂所致之傷害或疾病。
  2. 不孕症、懷孕、流產或分娩及其所引致的併發症。
  3. 健康檢查、視力矯正、預防注射、外科整形美容、洗牙、假牙、義肢、義眼或其他附屬之裝置。
  4. 救護車、診斷證明書、指定醫師費、特別護士看護、陪伴費、非治療之用品費。紅斑性狼瘡(先天性)、血友病、多汗症、愛滋病、性病、先天性疾病、結紮手術、器官移植、投保前之傷病。
  5. 牙科患者、單純之療養、靜養或復健者,不得給予住院治療。



  • 參加全民健康保險居留滿6個月之計算:
  1. 入境取得居留後連續居住滿6個月未出境。
  2. 出境1次未超過30日,由居留日起算6個月再加出境天數。
  3. 出境1次超過30日,由再入境日起再計算滿6個月。
  4. 出境超過2次,由最後一次入境日起算滿6個月。
  5. 符合辦理全民健保資格後,學校會主動向健保局辦理加保。




  • 已自行辦理有效醫療保險之學生,請攜證明文件至國際處查驗屬實後,免由學校收費辦理。

Health Insurance for International Students

  • International students (including overseas Chinese students, students from Hong Kong and Macau and foreign nationals) who have an ARC and have stayed in Taiwan consecutively for more than 6 months could apply to enroll in the National Health Insurance, NHI. Those who haven’t been enrolled in NHI are required to enroll in Group Medical Insurance (currently Cathay Life Insurance Company provides insurance policy for international students in CCU).


  • Students pay for their medical bill first, then file the insurance claim by submitting the following documents to the Office of International and Mainland China Affairs, #204 of the Fei Hwa Building:
  1. Payment receipt from the hospital
  2. Certificate of Diagnosis
  3. A photocopy of the passbook from a bank in Taiwan.
  4. A photocopy of ARC
  • Insurance Coverage:
  1. NT$1,000 for each hospital visit.
  2. NT$12,000 for a surgery.
  • The insurance policy does not cover medical treatment or fees incurred as listed below:
  1. Disease or illness due to the action of suicide, alcohol or drug abuse, or caused by a war.
  2. Complications due to infertility, pregnancy, miscarriage or childbirth.
  3. Health examination, optometry, prophylactic injections, cosmetic surgery, scaling, dentures, prosthetics, prosthetic eyes, or other ancillary devices.
  4. Ambulance, diagnostic certificate, designated physician’s fee, special nursing care, companionship fee, and non-therapeutic supplies. Lupus erythematosus (congenital), hemophilia, hyperhidrosis, AIDS, venereal disease, congenital disease, ligature surgery, organ transplantation, and injuries or diseases had prior to the insurance plan.
  5. Dental care and hospitalization for recovery or rehabilitation.
  • Regarding the six-month residency requirements
  1. Students must reside consecutively in Taiwan for six months after obtaining the ARC to be enrolled in the National Health Insurance.
  2. If the students exit Taiwan only once and for fewer than 30 days, they could be enrolled in NHI upon living in Taiwan for 6 months plus the days staying out of Taiwan.
  3. If the students exit Taiwan only once and for more than 30 days, they could be enrolled in NHI upon living in Taiwan for 6 months after reentering Taiwan.
  4. If the students leave Taiwan for more than two times, they could be enrolled in NHI upon living in Taiwan for 6 months after last reentering Taiwan.
  5. Students who meet the eligibility criteria will be enrolled in the National Health Insurance through the school.
  • Students who have bought effective medical insurance could ask to waive the insurance plan school offers after submitting eligible documents to the Office.