113.04.10 第 1814 次行政會議修正通過
(一) 本要點所稱之僑生、港澳生及外國學生身分依「僑生回國就學及輔導辦法」、「香港澳門居民來臺就學辦法」及「外國學生來台就學辦法」認定。
(二) 當學期錄取並就讀本校學、碩、博士班之僑港澳生或外國學生新生及當學期符合資格之在學生。
(三) 本要點適用於自113學年度第一學期及之後入學之僑生、港澳生及外國學生。
(一) 獎學金名額及金額:
- 頂尖學生:參照「中國文化大學各地區成績對照建議表」,成績達到A級別,或成績達B級別且經由就讀高中校長、本校校友會或本校面試後獲得推薦,可享有當學年100%學雜費抵免獎學金。
- 優秀學生:參照「中國文化大學各地區成績對照建議表」,成績達到C級別以上,或成績達D級別且經由就讀高中校長、本校校友會或本校面試後獲得推薦,可享有當學年新臺幣五萬元獎學金;若同學錄取本校重點發展系所,則獲得當學年新臺幣七萬元獎學金。
- 受獎學生第一年均享有校內宿舍基本房型免費住宿,若申請非基本房型則需自付差額。
(二) 審核評定及公告:
(一) 申請條件:
(二) 獎助學金名額及金額:
- 累計學年成績80分以上且班級平均排名前(含)10%者,可獲得當學年100%學雜費抵免獎助學金。
- 累計學年成績70分以上且班級平均排名前(含)30%者,可獲得當學年新臺幣兩萬元獎助學金。
- 重點發展系所之學生累計學年成績60分以上且班級平均排名前(含)45%者,可獲得當學年新臺幣四萬元獎助學金。
(一) 申請條件:
(二) 獎助學金名額及金額:
- 累計學年成績75分以上且班級平均排名前(含)15%者,可獲得當學年100%學雜費抵免獎助學金。
- 累計學年成績65分以上且班級平均排名前(含)35%者,可獲得當學年新臺幣兩萬元獎助學金。
- 重點發展系所之學生累計學年成績60分以上且班級平均排名前(含)50%者,可獲得當學年新臺幣四萬元獎助學金。
(一) 僑港澳生暨外國學生在學成績採計方式:
- 大二生僅參考大一成績,大三生參考大一至大二成績,大四生參考大一至大三成績。
- 碩(博)士生僅參考碩(博)一成績。
(二) 重點發展系所以學生入學當學年度本校教務處公告為準。
(三) 國際專修部學生,依照「中國文化大學國際專修部獎助學金審查辦法」辦理,若學生成績達本要點補助標準,則以單項獎助學金最高金額補助。
(一) 凡辦理休學或退學者,當學期不得領有獎助學金,並應依正常學雜費退費標準規定計算應繳學雜費;學生已繳交之獎助減免學費超出應繳學雜費者,退還差額,不足者補繳。
(二) 凡辦理休學者復學後,當學年(含上、下學期)不得領有獎助學金,隔年依就讀年級、學業成績及操行成績等可享有獎助減免;如因操行、學業成績不及格或因犯刑事案件經判刑確定致休學者,復學後不得申請獎助減免。
(一) 當學期已獲得政府各機關提供之獎助學金或校外其它單位之全額獎助學金者,不得申請本獎助學金。
(二) 領取本獎助學金者,經查若有違反政府及本校相關章則規定者,撤銷其獲獎助資格,已領取之獎助學金應予繳回。
- Chinese Culture University (CCU of “the University”) formulates the following guidelines to facilitate internationalization at the University by encouraging overseas Chinese/Hong Kong & Macau and international students to study for the degree programs at the University.
- Eligibility
- Overseas Chinese/Hong Kong & Macau students admitted under the Ministry of Education’s Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan and Regulations Regarding Hong Kong and Macau Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan are eligible to apply. International Students admitted under the Ministry of Education’s Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan are eligible to apply.
- Newly admitted and current Overseas Chinese/Hong Kong & Macau and international students who are studying for undergraduate or graduate programs are eligible to apply.
- The Guidelines apply to overseas Chinese/Hong Kong & Macau and international students enrolled in the Fall Semester of 2024 and after.
- Scholarship duration
Undergraduate students: 4 years maximum. Master’s and doctoral program students: 2 years maximum.
- Scholarship for newly admitted students.
- Quota and types
- Distinguished students include students whose grades are in the A rank according to CCU’s List of Suggested Grades in Different Regions, and students whose grades are in the B rank and recommended by the principal of the overseas high schools, CCU Alumni associations, or departments after the application interviews. These students will be granted a full tuition and fees waiver.
- Outstanding students include students whose grades are in the C rank according to CCU’s List of Suggested Grades in Different Regions, and students whose grades are in the D rank and recommended by the principal of the overseas high schools, CCU Alumni associations, or departments after the application interviews. These students will be awarded NT$50,000 of scholarship for that academic year. These students will be awarded NT$70,000 of scholarship for that academic year if they are admitted into the designated
- Scholarship recipients will be granted the right to stay at a standard dormitory room without accommodation fees. For a non-standard room, applicants need to pay for the excess fees.
- Review and Announcement
Scholarship qualification will be reviewed by the committee formed by the department faculty members and administrators from the Office of Academic Affairs, the Office of International and Mainland China Affairs, and the Center for International Interchange based on CCU’s List of Suggested Grades in Different Regions, the annual budget and recruitment results. The list of scholarship recipients will be announced one week after the admission results are posted.
- Scholarship for current Overseas Chinese/Hong Kong & Macau students
- Eligibility:
Current Overseas Chinese/Hong Kong & Macau students with an excellent academic profile during previous academic year(s) and a score over 80 for Student Conduct are eligible to apply.
- Quota and types
- Current Overseas Chinese/Hong Kong & Macau students whose average score of the previous semester(s) is over 80 and have excellent academic performance will be awarded a scholarship or stipend. The awarded students have obligation to provide service to school, including being a teaching assistant or helping in the international events on campus.
- Current Overseas Chinese/Hong Kong & Macau students whose average score of the previous semester(s) is over 70 and ranked in top 30% in the class will be awarded NT$20,000 for that academic year.
- Current Overseas Chinese/Hong Kong & Macau students studying in the designated departments will be awarded NT$40,000 if they have an average score of the previous semester(s) is over 60 and ranked in top 45% in the class.
- Scholarship for current international students
- Current Overseas Chinese/Hong Kong & Macau students whose average score of the previous semester(s) is over 80 and have excellent academic performance will be awarded a scholarship or stipend. The awarded students have obligation to provide service to school, including being a teaching assistant or helping in the international events on campus.
- Quota and types
(1) Current international students whose average score of the previous semester(s) is over 75 and ranked in top 15% in the class will be awarded full tuition and fee waiver.
(2) Current international students whose average score of the previous semester(s)is over 65 and ranked in top 35% in the class will be awarded NT$ 20,000.
(3) Current international students studying in the designated departments will be awarded NT$ 40,000 if they have an average score of over 60 of the previous semester(s) and ranked in top 50% in the class.
VII. Review of qualification
- Qualification review for the scholarship for Overseas Chinese/Hong Kong & Macau students and international students is based on student’s academic performance.
- Review of the undergraduate students’ academic performance is done solely based on their overall grades from the previous academic year(s).
- Evaluation of academic performance of the master’s (doctoral) students is done based on such students’ overall grades from the first year of the graduate program.
- The list of the designated departments for each academic year shall be posted on the website of the Office of Academic Affairs.
- Scholarships for students studying in CCU’s International Foundation Program are awarded in accordance with the Implementation Guidelines for International Foundation Program Scholarships. IFP program students who are also qualified for this scholarship shall be awarded the one with the maximum amount.
VIII. Scholarship Termination
- Scholarship recipients shall return the scholarship awarded and pay the full amount of the tuition and fees if they have applied for suspension/withdrawal. Shall students have paid more than the required tuition and fees, excess amount will be refund.
- The scholarship will not be awarded to students who re-enroll after suspension/withdrawal until the next academic year. Such students can apply for the scholarship when they meet the requirements. Students who are suspended due to poor academic or conduct grades or have been sentenced for committing a criminal case may not apply for scholarships after re-enrolling.
- Terms and Conditions:
- Scholarship recipients may not concurrently receive other full amount scholarships issued by the Taiwanese government or other institutes.
- Scholarship will be terminated if the recipient violates the laws or regulations of the government or the University. The scholarship will be revoked, and the amount awarded shall be return to school.
- The guidelines shall be approved by the Administrative Meeting before implementation. Any amendments shall be processed accordingly.