申請入學 Admission
What is International Foundation Program?
CCU established “International Foundation Program” in 2022, in order to educate overseas talents for the key industries.
The curriculum of International Foundation Program is 1 Year of Chinese preparatory program (Chinese language beginners are eligible to apply.) + 4 years of Bachelor’s degree program. By the end of the Chinese Language courses, students need to pass the level 2 (A2) of the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) in listening and reading in order to continue to study for the Bachelor program.
After 1 year of formal study in the Bachelor program, students are allowed to apply for a transfer to academic departments in manufacturing, construction, agriculture, and long-term care within the university or at other universities.
Please refer to the admission handbook of International Foundation Program for more details.
申請期程 Application Date
依照本校公告簡章辦理。2024秋季班申請日期:2024 年 5 月 1 日 至 8 月 5 日
The enrollment quota must be approved by the Ministry of Education.
Application Date for Fall Semester 2024: May 1, 2024 – August 5, 2024
申請資格 Eligibility
1、僑生及港澳生 Overseas Chinese Students or Hong Kong and Macau Students:
Applicants whose identities meet the “Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan” and “Regulations Regarding Hong Kong and Macau Residents to Study in Taiwan” issued by the Ministry of Education can apply for admission to the International Foundation Program.
- 僑生:指海外出生連續居留迄今,或最近連續居留海外六年以上,並取得僑居地永久或長期居留證件之華裔學生。取得僑居地永久或長期居留證件,得以取得僑居地公民權、永久居留權或以其所持中華民國護照已加簽僑居身分認定之。僑生身份認定,由僑務委員會為之。(僑生回國就學及輔導辦法 第 2 條)
Overseas Chinese Students refer to ethnic Chinese students who were born overseas and have lived continuously until now, or, have recently lived overseas for more than 6 years and have obtained permanent or long-term residence certificates in the place of residence. Certificates of permanent or long-term residence could be citizenship, permanent residency in place of overseas residence, or the identification of overseas residence status on the Republic of China passport. The identification of Overseas Chinese Students shall be determined by the competent authorities of Overseas Chinese affairs. (Article 2, Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan) - 港澳生:香港或澳門居民,取得港澳永久居留資格證件,且最近連續居留境外六年以上;並符合香港澳門關係條例第四條規定,未持有外國護照者, 得申請來臺灣地區就學。港澳生身分認定,由教育部為之。 (香港澳門居民來臺就學辦法第 2、8 條)
Hong Kong and Macau Students refer to people who have obtained permanent residence certificates and have recently lived overseas for more than 6 years and comply with Article 4 of the Laws and Regulations Regarding Hong Kong & Macau Affairs (https://law.moj.gov.tw/ENG/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=Q0010003), can apply for studying in Taiwan. The identification of Hong Kong and Macau Students shall be determined by the competent education administrative agencies (Article 2, 8, Regulations Regarding Hong Kong and Macau Residents to Study in Taiwan).
2、外國學生 International Students:
It is imperative to confirm whether the status at the time of application meets the requirements of the Ministry of Education’s “Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan “.
According to the regulations, as follows are the statuses of international students who is eligible to apply to study in Taiwan:
- 未曾以僑生身分在臺就學。
The person has never undertaken studies in Taiwan as an overseas Chinese student. - 未於申請入學當學年度依僑生回國就學及輔導辦法經海外聯合招生委員會分發。
The person has not been given a placement in the current academic year by the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students in accordance with the Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan.
A person of foreign nationality who meets the following requirements and who in the immediate past has resided overseas continuously for at least six years is also permitted to apply for admission to an educational institution, in accordance with these Regulations.
- 申請時兼具中華民國國籍者,應自始未曾在臺設有戶籍。
A person who at the time of their application also holds dual R.O.C. nationality shall have never had household registration in Taiwan. - 申請前曾兼具中華民國國籍,於申請時已不具中華民國國籍者,應自內政部許可喪失中華民國國籍之日起至申請時已滿八年。
A person who before the time of their application also held dual R.O.C. nationality but no longer does at the time of their application shall have renounced their R.O.C. nationality with the approval of the Ministry of the Interior on a date at least eight full years before making their application. - 前二款均應符合前項第一款及第二款規定。
A person referred to in either of the preceding two subparagraphs shall meet the requirements stipulated in Subparagraph 1 and Subparagraph 2 of the previous paragraph.
A foreign national who was selected by a foreign government, organization, or school to study in Taiwan in accordance with the Education Cooperation Framework Agreement, and who has never had household registration in Taiwan may be given exemption from the restrictions set out in the preceding two paragraphs if the competent education administrative authority gives approval.
The periods of six years and eight years stipulated in Paragraph 2 shall be calculated using the starting date of the semester (February 1, or August 1) as the end date of the period.
The term “overseas” used in Paragraph 2 refers to countries or regions other than the Mainland Area, Hong Kong, and Macau; the term “reside overseas continuously” means that an international student has stayed in Taiwan for no more than a total of 120 days in each calendar year. When calculating the number of consecutive years spent overseas, if the initial or final year of the period is not a complete calendar year, any time spent in Taiwan in the initial or final year must not exceed 120 days. However, time that a person has spent in Taiwan is not subject to this restriction and it is not counted when calculating how long they were in Taiwan in a particular year if the person has documentary proof that they:
- 就讀僑務主管機關舉辦之海外青年技術訓練班或教育部(以下簡稱本部)認定之技術訓練專班。
Attended an overseas youth training course organized by the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Council or a technical professional training program accredited by the Ministry of Education; - 就讀本部核准得招收外國學生之各大專校院華語文中心,合計未滿二年。
Spent a total period of less than two years undertaking Chinese language classes at a Chinese language center at a university or tertiary college which has Ministry of Education approval to recruit students overseas; - 交換學生,其交換期間合計未滿二年。
Spent a total period of less than two years in Taiwan as an exchange student; or - 經中央目的事業主管機關許可來臺實習,實習期間合計未滿二年。
Spent a total period of less than two years undertaking an internship that they came to Taiwan to undertake with the approval of the designated central competent authority.
A person who held both foreign and R.O.C. nationalities and applied for annulment of their R.O.C. nationality before the date of effect of the February 1, 2011 amendment to these Regulations may apply for admission as an international student in accordance with the provisions in place before the amendment and is not subject to the restrictions set out in Paragraph 2.
An applicant of foreign nationality, who is eligible for permanent residence in Hong Kong or Macau, who has never had household registration in Taiwan, and who at the time of their application has resided in Hong Kong, Macau, or elsewhere overseas continuously for at least six years may apply for admission in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations. However, a person who plans to apply to study in a university department of medicine, dentistry, or Chinese medicine must have resided overseas continuously for at least eight years.
The term “resided […] continuously” in the preceding paragraph means that a person did not spend more than a total of 120 days in Taiwan in each calendar year. However, this restriction does not apply if a person can present documentary proof that any of the circumstances listed in Paragraph 5, Subparagraphs 1 to 4 of the previous article apply. The time that they spent in Taiwan in the ways listed is not counted when calculating the period of continuous residence referred to in the previous paragraph.
A person who was formerly from the Mainland Area and who has foreign nationality and has have never had household registration in Taiwan, and who at the time of their application has resided overseas continuously for at least six years may apply for admission to an educational institution, in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations. However, a person who plans to apply to study in a university department of medicine, dentistry, or Chinese medicine must have resided overseas continuously for at least eight years.
The term “resided […] continuously” in the preceding paragraph means that a person did not spend more than a total of 120 days in Taiwan in each calendar year. However, this restriction does not apply if a person can present documentary proof that any of the circumstances listed in Paragraph 5, Subparagraphs 1 to 4 of the previous article apply. The time that they spent in Taiwan in the ways listed is not counted when calculating the period that they resided continuously overseas referred to in the previous paragraph.
The periods of six years and eight years stipulated in Paragraph 1 and in Paragraph 3 shall be calculated using the starting date of the semester (February 1, or August 1) as the end date of the period.
The definition of “overseas” given in Paragraph 5 of the previous article also applies, mutatis mutandis, to Paragraphs 1 to 4.
An international student applying to study at an educational institution in Taiwan in accordance with the provisions of the two previous articles is limited to only applying once. If a student wants to continue studying in Taiwan, their application shall be handled in the same manner as the admission procedures for domestic students. However, this requirement does not apply to an international student in either of the following circumstances:
- 於完成申請就學學校學程後,申請碩士班以上學程,逕依各校規定辦理。
If an international student is applying for admission to a master’s degree or higher level program after completing the course of study at the educational institution to which they originally applied, the university to which the student is now applying shall handle the application in accordance with its regulations - 外國學生申請來臺就讀學士班以下學程,在國內停留未滿一年,因故退學或喪失學籍,得重新申請來臺就學,並以一次為限。
If an international student applied to come to Taiwan to undertake a bachelor’s degree or lower level program in Taiwan and after coming to Taiwan stayed for less than one year for some reason then discontinued their studies or forfeited their student status, that student may lodge another application to come to Taiwan to study, but only one such re-application is permitted.
If an educational institution in Taiwan where an international student was studying considers that their conduct or academic performance was unsatisfactory, or if the student seriously violated any ordinances or the regulations of the educational institution and the circumstances were serious and as a result, in accordance with the provisions of its regulations governing student awards and penalties had to discontinue their studies or forfeited their status as a registered student, the student is not permitted to re-apply to study in Taiwan on the basis of the provisions of the previous paragraph.
An international student who has completed a bachelor’s degree or a higher degree in Taiwan and is applying to be admitted to do a master’s degree program or a higher degree may submit copies of their graduation certificate from a university or tertiary college in Taiwan and transcripts for each year of their studies and apply in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 and is not subject to the provisions of Article 7, Paragraph 1, Item 2.
An international student who has graduated from a school for international residents in Taiwan, or from a bilingual division (program) affiliated to a domestic senior secondary school, or from a program offering a foreign curriculum at a division of a domestic private senior secondary school may submit copies of their graduation certificate, and their transcripts for each year, and apply for admission in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 and is not subject to the provisions of Article 4, Paragraph 1, or the provisions of Article 7, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 2.
If international student who studies in university or tertiary college in Taiwan want to transfer to another university or tertiary college. Each university or tertiary college shall formulate its own regulations regarding transfers of international students who study in university or tertiary college in Taiwan, incorporate these into its admission regulations, and submit these to the Ministry of Education for approval. However, an international student who has been dismissed by the educational institution that admitted the student as a result of unsatisfactory conduct or of a conviction in criminal case proceedings is not permitted to transfer to another university or tertiary college.