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文大九月將領全台私立大學之先 「上鏈」推出數位畢業證書
Chinese Culture University to offer digital diploma, first among universities

By 2021 年 8 月 31 日 / 最新消息

畢業證書搞丟,是許多人找工作或升學時的慘痛經歷。今年疫情更讓無數畢業生苦等證書寄送,無語問蒼天。但導入區塊鏈後,一切大不同,畢業證書化為無從竄改、無法偽造的QR Code,放進行動載具隨身帶著走;未來擴大運用後,修過的專業課程、實習、証照、競賽成績種種學習歷程都能整合上鏈,一碼「鏈」結到想投履歷的企業、想申請的國外學校。




Many graduates had a painful experience when they were looking for a job but couldn’t locate their graduation diploma. This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a few graduates complained of waiting too long for their diplomas to be delivered to them. Now, with the help of the Blockchain, things have changed. The digital diploma empowered by anti-counterfeiting technologies, such as QR codes, could now be carried away on digital devices. In the future, not just diplomas but also certificates for courses, internships, competitions could be chained together and sent to institutes for employment or further studies.

Chinese Culture University has been working with Taiwan Turing Certs Company to initiate the digital diploma system. Starting from this fall, the school is offering 7,000 graduates a digital diploma through the Certificate of Degree Verification System. The school signed a letter of intent to start the project.

According to the school, blockchain technology is an example of how the university makes the most of digital transformation, and it could promote efficiency of school services. Time and procedures are cut off with this mechanism, which could benefit students and the staff. Graduates in this fall will have access to this service, while the alumni will be able to do so in the near future.

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