APAIE 亞太教育者年會,2004年成立,旨在促進亞太及全球高教之發展,提供交流與合作平台,每年於3月舉辦,與會人數約2,500人。

NAFSA 美洲教育者年會,1948年成立,係北美最大高教學術合作組織,加強國際間教育交流及發展全球性教育,每年5月於美洲舉辦年會暨展覽,與會人數逾10,000人。


Asia-Pacific Association for International Education was founded in 2004 and aims to promote international education and exchange. The annual meeting is held in March every year. The number of current members is about 2,500.

Association of International Educators was founded in 1948, and it is the largest non-profit association dedicated to international education and exchange. NAFSA serves the needs of more than 10,000 members and international educators worldwide at more than 3,500 institutions, in over 150 countries. The annual meeting is held in North America in May every year and has over 10,000 attendees. 

Founded in 1989, the EAIE is the European center for expertise, networking and resources in the internationalization of higher education.