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By 2024 年 8 月 20 日26 8 月, 2024 / 交換生與雙聯學位, 雙聯學位


1. 大學2+2:大一大二在原學校,大三大四到合作學校。
2. 碩士1+1:碩一在原學校,碩二到合作學校。
3. 大學、碩士3+2:大一到大三在原學校,大四到合作學校直接修讀碩士課程,可用碩士學分抵原學校大四學分。
4. 大學、碩士3+1+1:大一到大三在原學校,大四到合作學校,並以一年取得碩士學位。
5. 大學、碩士2+2+1:大一大二在原學校,大三大四到合作學校,並以一年取得碩士學位。
6. 其他依兩校洽談、課程安排情形,可能有1+1.5、2+2+1.5等形式。

Our school has signed a Memorandum on International Dual Degrees with several partner universities to acknowledge academic credits from one another. Upon fulfilling the graduation requirements of our school and a partner university regarding a period of the academic years (students must be enrolled in our school), students participating in this program will be able to obtain academic degrees from both universities. The period of time students participating in the program depends on the requirements and agreements from both schools. The possible study plans are as follows:

For bachelor degree program (2+2): Students complete classes of the first and second year at home university and take classes of the third and fourth year at a partner university.
For master degree program (1+1): Students complete classes for the master degree program at home university and take classes for the master degree program at a partner university.
For Five-Year BA-MA Program (3+2): Students complete classes from the first to third year at university, and pursue their master degree at a partner university in their last year of undergraduate program. The credits taken by students in the master degree program will be recognized and accepted as required credits for graduation.
For Five-Year BA-MA Program (3+1+1): Students complete classes from the first to third year at home university, and obtain their master degree at a partner university in one year.
For Five-Year BA-MA Program (2+2+1): Students complete classes from the first to second year at home university, and take classes of the third and fourth year at a partner university. Students continue the master degree program at the partner university and obtain the degree in on year.
Other plans are as proposed by two schools, including 1+1.5, 2+2+1.5

Students are reminded that they may not graduate from the university as scheduled if they couldn’t obtain all the credits needed for graduation while studying in both schools. For Taiwanese residents who need to complete military service, the maximum length of studying overseas is two years.

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