因應“小犬”颱風接近臺灣,3日17時起華岡氣象站風速監測顯示平均風達5-6級、陣風7-8級。4日白天由於颱風接近的影響,本校風速也會持續增強, 4日白天預估平均風速可達6級或更強,陣風也有機會達8-9級。目前台北市雖未達停班停課標準,考量本校校本部位處山區,風雨較市區強勁,3日晚間9點召開颱風應變小組會議。會中決議,依去年重大議題投票結果,為顧及學生安全,4日本校校本部各課程改以「遠距線上上課」方式進行。授課老師則視個別情況,自行決定在家授課或到校授課。
AS Typhoon Koinu is approaching Taiwan, high wind is monitored at the Hwa Kang Weather Station. The average wind speed is expected to reach level 6 or stronger during the day on the 4th, and the gusts may also reach level 8-9.
Although Taipei City did not announce the closure of schools and government offices, considering that the school is located in a mountainous area and the wind and rain are stronger than in the urban area, the school decided to conduct all classess online via TEAMs. Students do not need to come to school and teachers could decide whether they come to the school or condcut classes at home.
Please refer to the attahced instruction file for Microsoft Teams from the school annoucement:
or click the link to https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/get-started-with-microsoft-teams-b98d533f-118e-4bae-bf44-3df2470c2b12 for introduction to Microsoft Teams.